Download and Learn Become a Cloud Developer Udacity Nanodegree Course 2023 for free with google drive download link.

Cloud development is the foundation for the new world of software development. Enroll now to build and deploy production-ready full stack apps at scale on AWS, an essential skill for advancing your web development career.

What You’ll Learn in Become a Cloud Developer Nanodegree

Cloud Developer

Estimated 4 Months

Start by learning the fundamentals of cloud development and deployment with AWS. Then, build different apps leveraging microservices, Kubernetes clusters, and serverless application technology.

Become a Cloud Developer Intro Video:

Prerequisite knowledge

You should have intermediate knowledge of Javascript, and familiarity with object-oriented programming, web development with HTML and CSS, and the Linux Command Line.

To optimize your success in this program, we’ve created a list of prerequisites and recommendations to help you prepare for the curriculum. To enroll, you should have experience in the following topics:

  • Intro to JavaScript
  • How to use Git and Github
  • Linux Command Line Basics

Cloud Foundations

Learn the fundamentals of cloud computing while being introduced to compute power, security, storage, networking, messaging, and management services in the cloud.

Project – Deploy a Static Website on AWS

The cloud is perfect for hosting static websites that only include HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files that require no server-side processing. In this project, you will deploy a static website to AWS. First, you will create a S3 bucket, configure the bucket for website hosting, and secure it using IAM policies. Next, you will upload the website files to your bucket and speed up content delivery using AWS’s content distribution network service, CloudFront. Lastly, you will access your website in a browser using the unique S3 endpoint.

Full Stack Apps on AWS

Design and deploy scalable, extendable, and maintainable full stack applications using modern cloud architecture.

Project – Udagram: Your Own Instagram on AWS

In this project, you will develop a cloud-based application for uploading, listing, and filtering images.

You will use Node.js/Express, a popular Javascript framework for networked application development. You will implement a REST API to issue commands using HTTP, store data in Amazon Web Services Relational Data Service (RDS) and S3, extend the codebase with secure authentication signon features, and deploy to Amazon Web Services Elastic Beanstalk. These are the hard skills you’ll need in any Cloud developer role.

Monolith to Microservices at Scale

Learn best practices on how to develop and deploy microservices, with a focus on different microservice architecture patterns, independent scaling, resiliency, securing microservices, and best practices for monitoring and logging.

Project – Refactor Monolith to Microservices and Deploy

In this project, you will take an existing application named Udagram and refactor it into a microservice architecture with lean services. You will build out a CI/CD process that automatically builds and deploys Docker images to a Kubernetes cluster. The Kubernetes cluster will be configured to help solve common challenges related to scale and security.

Develop and Deploy a Serverless App

Learn both the theory of using serverless technologies with the practice of developing a complex serverless application and focuses on learning by doing. You will learn advanced serverless features such as implementing WebSockets and stream processing.

Project – Serverless Applications

In this project, you will develop an Instagram-like serverless service for uploading, listing, and filtering images. You’ll build serverless REST APIs using API Gateway and AWS Lambda, a stack of serverless technologies on AWS. You will then store data in AWS DynamoDB and S3, secure your application with authentication, and deploy it to Amazon Web Services using Serverless framework.

Project – Capstone Project

In the capstone project, you’ll build an application of your choice on AWS based on predefined criteria. You will define the scope of the project, come up feature list and decide which AWS services to use to meet availability and performance criteria

There are more than 50K+ cloud computing jobs in the US alone, with a $146K median salary

Become a Cloud Developer Nanodegree Free Download Link: