Download and Learn Intro to Self-Driving Cars Udacity Nanodegree Course 2023 for free with google drive download link.

This introductory program is the perfect way to start your journey.

What You’ll Learn in Intro to Self-Driving Cars Nanodegree

Intro to Self-Driving Cars

4 months to complete

In this program, you’ll sharpen your Python skills, apply C++, apply matrices and calculus in code, and touch on computer vision and machine learning. These concepts will be applied to solving self-driving car problems. At the end, you’ll be ready for our Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree program!

Intro to Self-Driving Cars Nanodegree Intro Video:

Prerequisite knowledge

You should be comfortable reading and modifying code. You should also be comfortable with basic algebra.

Students should have some experience with programming—writing short scripts in a programming language—and be comfortable with algebra. You should also feel comfortable reading and modifying code that you are given, with the understanding that solving problems in code may still be challenging. 

Bayesian Thinking

Learn the framework that underlies a self-driving car’s understanding of itself and the world around it, and to see the world the way a self-driving car does.

Project – Joy Ride

Jump into writing code that controls a simulated vehicle. Send throttle and steering commands to the car to get it to navigate around a test track.

Project – 2D Histogram Filter in Python

In this project, you will write the `sense` and `move` functions for a 2-dimensional histogram filter in Python.

Working with Matrices

This course will focus on two tools which are vital to self-driving car engineers: object oriented programming and linear algebra.

Project – Implement a Matrix Class

In this project you’ll practice using your object oriented programming and matrix math skills by filling out the methods in a partially-completed `Matrix` class.

C++ Basics

This course is the first step in a rewarding journey towards C++ expertise. The goal is translation: get a program written in Python, and translate it into C++.

Project – Translate Python to C++

In this project you’ll apply your knowledge of C++ syntax by translating the Histogram Filter code from the first course into C++.

Performance Programming in C++

Explore how to write good code that runs correctly. We’ll focus primarily on low

level features of C++, but we’ll discuss other best practices as well.

Project – Performant C++

A self-driving car can’t afford to waste any cycles or memory unnecessarily. In this project you’ll take some functioning (but inefficient) C++ code and optimize it.

Navigating Complex Data Structures

Algorithmic thinking is a skill you’ll refine throughout your career. In this course you’ll focus on frequently used data structures and algorithms.

Project – Planning an Optimal Path

You turn on your self-driving car, buckle up, and enter a destination. Navigating from A → B is not an easy problem. In this project you’ll use your knowledge of data structures (in particular, graph data structures) and search algorithms to write an algorithm which uses a map and traffic information to find the quickest route between two points.

Visualizing Calculus and Controls

In this course you’ll learn basic calculus—the mathematics of continuity. You’ll also learn to use some of Python’s most popular visualization libraries.

Project – Trajectory Visualizer

As a self-driving car engineer, a lot of the code you write involves simulation, visualization, testing, and debugging. In this project you’ll write a visualization tool that will let you visualize the continuous trajectories that come from various search and control algorithms.

Machine Learning and Computer Vision

In this course you’ll learn how a computer sees an image, and how we can use machine learning to teach a computer to identify images programmatically.

Project – Image Classifier from Scratch

In this project you’ll build an image classifier from scratch. When you’re done you’ll have an algorithm that can reliably classify an image as “pedestrian” or “car.”

Researchers estimate driverless cars will save 10 million
lives per decade!

Intro to Self-Driving Cars Nanodegree Free Download Link: