Download and Learn Data Visualization Udacity Nanodegree 2023 Course for free with google drive download link.

Combine data, visuals, and narrative to tell impactful stories and make data-driven decisions.

What You’ll Learn in Data Visualization Nanodegree

Data Visualization

Estimated 4 Months

You’ll start by building data visualizations and dashboards, considering your audiences to be as effective as possible. Then, you’ll move into drafting presentations using storytelling techniques, visualizations, and animations to provide data-driven recommendations.

Data Visualization Intro Video:

Prerequisite knowledge

To be successful in this program, you should have basic statistics and data analysis skills.

This program is appropriate for both students with a data analytics background and students with business backgrounds. You should have at least basic skills in data analysis including spreadsheets and descriptive statistics including:

  • Measures of center (Mean, median, and mode)
  • Measures of spread (Variance and standard deviation)
  • Distributions (normal distribution, skewness)
  • Analyzing data in spreadsheets like Excel or Google Sheets

Intro to Data Visualization

Learn how to select the most appropriate data visualization for an analysis, evaluate the effectiveness of a data visualization, and build interactive and engaging Tableau dashboards.

Project – Build Data Dashboards

Sharing insights is an integral part of working with data. In this project, you’ll build interactive dashboards with Tableau. You’ll use a dataset of flight delays in the US to visualize the quality of airlines and airports, find the best times to fly, and more.

Dashboard Designs

Design and create a dashboard in an enterprise environment. Discover user needs, identify key metrics, and tailor your dashboard to a particular audience.

Project – Design a Data Dashboard

You’ll design a dashboard for a specific audience which takes into account the users data literacy, domain knowledge, and relevant business metrics. You’ll focus on ensuring the appropriate data is used for the decision being made, and design it so important elements are featured prominently.

Data Storytelling

Learn the end to end process for telling a story and providing a recommendation based on data. You’ll define an effective problem statement, structure a data presentation, scope analyses, identify biases and limitations within your dataset, and pull together an end-to-end analysis.

Project – Build a Data Story

Build a deck to provide a recommendation by telling a data story. Define your problem and possible data sets, conduct various analysis to understand your data, and provide a final recommendation.

Advanced Data Storytelling

Learn advanced data visualization and storytelling techniques. Learn to use Tableau Storypoint to add interactivity and other visual elements to a story, and add animation and narration with Tableau Pages and Flourish.

Project – Animate a Data Story

Create an interactive data presentation using data from the World Bank Indicators data set. You choose the story you want to tell, and create an animated data story with an audio track to create a narrated finished product.

Data Visualization Nanodegree Free Download Link: