Download and Learn Introduction to Cybersecurity Udacity Nanodegree Course 2023 for free with google drive download link.

Get your start in the high growth field of Cybersecurity by building foundational skills in how to evaluate, maintain, and monitor the security of computer systems.

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What You’ll Learn in Introduction to Cybersecurity Nanodegree

Introduction to Cybersecurity

4 months to complete

Take your first step toward a career in cybersecurity and learn the skills required to become a security professional with the Introduction to Cybersecurity Nanodegree program. In this program, you will learn how to evaluate, maintain, and monitor the security of computer systems. You’ll also learn how to assess threats, respond to incidents, and implement security controls to reduce risk and meet security compliance goals.

Introduction to Cybersecurity Intro Video:

Prerequisite knowledge

Basic knowledge of network connectivity and OS fundamentals

To be best prepared to succeed in this program, students should have basic familiarity or experience with:

  • Principles of network connectivity.
  • Basic operating system fundamentals including Windows or Linux.

Cybersecurity Foundations

This foundations course explains security fundamentals including core principles, critical security controls, and cybersecurity best practices. Students will also evaluate specific security techniques used to administer a system that meets industry standards and core controls, assess high-level risks, vulnerabilities, and attack vectors of a sample system, and explain ways to establish and maintain the security of different types of computer systems.

Project – Securing a Business Network

In this project, students will apply the skills they have acquired in the cybersecurity fundamentals course to conduct a hands-on security assessment based on a common business problem. Students will investigate and fix security issues on a Windows 10 client system as a way of demonstrating fundamental cybersecurity knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Defending and Securing Systems

Gain exposure to a diverse group of technologies that will provide or enhance the skills needed to enter the cybersecurity field. You will apply best practices of Defense in Depth to secure computer systems, use outputs from security incidents to analyze and improve future network security, and search internal systems to determine network vulnerabilities. You’ll also learn how to recommend mitigations to address common application vulnerabilities and ensure fundamental encryption techniques for securing data at rest and in transit.

Project – Monitoring and Securing Douglas Financials Inc.

Douglas Financials Inc. (DFI) has experienced successful growth and as a result is ready to add a Security Analyst position. Acting as

that new analyst, students will analyze Windows and Linux servers and report recommendations on OS hardening, compliance issues, encryption, and network security. Students will also create firewall rules, analyze threat intelligence, and encrypt files and folders for transport to a client.

Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Incident Response

During this course, you will learn how to identify security threats and gaps, fix issues, and respond to inevitable attacks. You’ll be able to explain the relationship between threats, threat actors, vulnerabilities, and exploits, leverage the MITRE ATT&CK framework to understand attack methods, and distinguish events from incidents and recognize indicators of compromise.

Project – Navigating a Cybersecurity Incident

In this project, students will apply the skills they have acquired in this security course to navigate a potential cyber incident at a hospital. You will work to identify the type of threat actor involved and potential motivation behind the attack. Based on clues provided throughout the scenario, students will conduct scans to discover and test vulnerabilities that could lead to a successful attack. Students will then assess risk levels associated with the findings and propose a remediation plan. You will also leverage a provided incident response plan to navigate the potential breach and make recommendations for improvements to the plan.

Governance, Risk, and Compliance

Cybersecurity Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) has rapidly become a critical part of an effective cybersecurity strategy. In this course, students will learn about the functions of Governance, Risk, and Compliance and how each function operates alongside operational controls to strengthen an organization’s security. Students will also learn how to assess control effectiveness, measure security risk, and ensure that organizations are meeting security compliance objectives.

Project – Create the SwiftTech GRC Program

SwiftTech is a company in transition – they are accelerating product development while trying to maintain a high standard for flexibility and responsiveness with customers, and doing all this while migrating their infrastructure to the cloud. This fast paced environment creates challenges for the organization’s cybersecurity GRC practice. As a brand new GRC analyst for SwiftTech, you’ll need to understand the business quickly and improve their documentation to help support the organization’s goals.

The current cybersecurity workforce gap in the U.S. is nearly 500,000 and the global gap is over 4M.

Introduction to Cybersecurity Nanodegree Free Download Link: