Download and Learn Become an Android Kotlin Developer Udacity Nanodegree Course 2023 for free with google drive download link.

Master Android app development with Kotlin, a modern programming language that enables developers to be more concise and productive. Build professional apps for the world’s most popular mobile platform using Android Studio and Kotlin.

In collaboration with


What You’ll Learn in Become an Android Kotlin Developer Nanodegree

Android Kotlin Developer

4 months to complete

Built in collaboration with Google, this program will prepare you to become a professional Android developer and allow you to create a diverse portfolio of projects to show employers. By the end of this program, you will be able to use Android development platform best-practices, Android Studio, Android Jetpack, and Kotlin to build your own apps for the world’s most-used mobile platform.

Become an Android Kotlin Developer Intro Video:

Prerequisite knowledge

Experience with Object-Oriented Programming.

A well-prepared student should:

  • Be comfortable with Object-Oriented Programming.
  • Have experience navigating GitHub, and be comfortable using a Modern IDE.
  • Be familiar with threads and concurrency, and with modular app architectures.
  • Have familiarity with Kotlin language syntax

Developing Android Apps, Part 1

Use common Android UI components to create a basic user interface, handle user input and Android lifecycle events, and create dynamic and navigable interfaces using constraint-based layouts. You’ll also learn how to use the Gradle build process to declare library dependencies and establish app parameters, and integrate app functionality with other apps or components with Android.

Project – Build a Shoe Store Inventory App

Build your first Android app with Kotlin! You will build an Android app with multiple screens and create a navigation graph to take the user through the app.

You will use fundamental Android development skills to set up a development environment for an Android app, use Android Studio’s Layout Editor, and implement best practices for navigation and user interface in Android. You’ll also follow recommended Android app architecture guidance with ViewModel and LiveData lifecycle classes.

Developing Android Apps, Part 2

Learn how to implement data persistence in your app, display collections of data to users using RecyclerView, and use APIs to connect to, store, and retrieve data. You will also learn best practices of Material Design to create a quality user experience and learn how to make an app more accessible to as many users as possible.

Project – Build an Asteroid Radar App

Build an app using a free, open source API provided by the NASA JPL Asteroid team. You will create an app that connects to the internet to retrieve and display live data, implement networking best practices to fetch and display data and images, and create a database to store and access user data over time.

You will also learn to use RecyclerView to create a clear and compelling

UI to display the data. Finally you will test your app with Talkback enabled and make your app more accessible for as many users as possible.

Advanced Android Apps with Kotlin, Part 1

Learn how to enhance your app’s functionality and drive user engagement using Android’s robust notification system, build custom views, and use canvas drawing to allow for the update of a display based on user interactions. You will also be able to create simple animations to enhance the presentation of content and overall usability of the app.

Project – Design an App with Application Loading Status

Create an Android app that will download a file from the internet, and create notifications, custom views and animations to build a status bar in your app.

You will be able to create a notification to send messages to a user within an Android app, and design and style the notifications. You will also build custom views using canvas and paint, animate UI elements with property animations, and use MotionLayout to enhance the user experience of your app.

Advanced Android Apps with Kotlin, Part 2

Learn how to build an app with location awareness and Google Maps. You will also learn best practices and techniques for testing to enable you to scale your app quickly and more safely, while mitigating any negative effects, and how to use Firebase for authentication and remote storage.

Project – Build a Location Reminder App

Build a To-do List app that includes Google Maps and location services. You’ll learn how to add Google Maps and style map views in your Android application, and enable location services and tracking.
With location services and reminders, your app will remind users to perform an action when the user is at a specific location.

Project – CAPSTONE PROJECT: Design and Build an Android App

In this final project, you will have the opportunity to design and build either 1) a custom Android app inspired by your own idea or 2) a Political Preparedness app that will deliver civic data to end users via the app.
You’ll apply skills acquired throughout the Nanodegree to design an engaging user interface that incorporates data from RESTful interfaces and web APIs, and utilizes mobile hardware to enhance app functionality and provide an engaging user experience. The project will allow you to showcase recommended Android app architecture patterns, delivering a highly functional and scalable app that takes full advantage of the Android platform.

There are 2.5 billion+
monthly active Android devices

Become an Android Kotlin Developer Nanodegree Free Download Link: