Download and Learn Digital Freelancer Udacity Nanodegree Course 2023 for free with google drive download link.

Meet the growing demand for digital freelancers by building your personal brand and starting a successful online business

What you will learn in Digital Freelancer Nanodegree

Digital Freelancer

Estimated 1 month to complete

You’ll master the skills necessary to become a successful digital freelancer. Learn how to market your services to clients, scope projects and manage client relationships.

Digital Freelancer Nanodegree Intro video:

Prerequisite knowledge

Basic computer skills.

No prior experience is required, but it is recommended that students are comfortable with basic computer skills, such as:

  • Managing files
  • Using third-party online programs
  • Navigating the internet through an online browser

Freelancing 101 and Preparing to Market Yourself

This course will discuss the fundamentals of digital freelancing by outlining the benefits and disadvantages of working for yourself, as well as the main differences between working as a freelancer versus a traditional role. In addition to establishing the mindset and skills of a freelancer, this course will teach how to market yourself as a freelancer by creating your personal business identity and brand, using social media in a strategic way to find clients and creating a portfolio website targeted towards client acquisition.

Project – Building a Portfolio Website that Will Get You Hired

As a digital freelancer, the most essential item to have is the portfolio website. Your portfolio website humanizes you and gives the client a chance to interact with you in a more intimate way. It also highlights your skills in the field by showing instead of just telling and allows the client to reach out and contact you.

For this project, you will be creating a 4-6 page portfolio on a website hosting platform of your choice. The website will consist of a homepage, an “about” page, a “portfolio” page and a “contact” page. By the end of the project, you will have a functional, client-ready website that raises awareness about your services among prospective clients, articulates your skills and services, and

displays and highlights relevant projects from your portfolio.

Managing Freelancing Projects

This course covers the freelancing project journey end-to-end, starting with how and where to find clients and ending with the process of closing out a project with a client. It covers best practices for each stage in a freelancing project as well as bootstrapping a freelancing career. This course draws on learnings from practical experience and considers a variety of real-life scenarios and strategies that freelancers are likely to navigate.

Project – Working with a Mock Client

In this project, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate the skills you’ve learned in the course by working with a mock client to practice the initial communication stages. You will also manage the project by utilizing the project management process through a tool called Trello and invoice your clients. Completing this project will help you get comfortable interacting with clients and going through different project stages.

Digital Freelancer Download link: